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作者:北京古今公司    税票来源:古今    点击数:269    更新时间:2005-4-27



The Tax Stamp of Beijing - Hutong of Beijing

Editorial Board of Beijing Tax Stamps (I)Hutongs in Beijing

Etidors-in-chief:Wang Jiping

Deputy Etidors-in-chief:Yang Zhiqiang

Members of Editorial Board:

Yu Yanping,Liu Yujie, Yang Wenjun, Yang Guanping,Jin Yanqi,Meng Fanhua, Jia Yumin

Planning & Manufacturer: Beijing GUJIN Publishing & Designing Co., Ltd.

Room 1001,Zhichun Building, Zhichun Road 118,Haidian District,Beijing,100086,P.R.of China

Tel:86-10-62638592 62570342

Fax: 86-10-62644698



Beijing Tax Stamps (I)Hutongs in Beijing

Author of the “Preface”:Jia Yumin

Author of the “Hutongs of Beijing”:Wang Bin

Duty Editor:Liu Shumin ,Zhao ErDong

Duty proofreader(Chinese):Tian Guilin

English translator: Eugene Zheng(US)

Duty proofreader (English): Jeffrey Young(NZ)

Camerist:Wu Beigang, Tian Shuhe,Tian Guilin

Design:Li Jing,Yang Guanqi,Wang Chunsheng,Tian Guilin

Publisher: China Taxation Press


ISBN 7-80117-782-7/F·702

  • Book back [276]

  • M/S.Two-Yuan Sheet.One-Yua… [263]

  • The Hutong Culture [668]

  • People in Hutongs [651]

  • Names of Hutongs [497]

  • Colors of Hutongs [326]

  • The Landscape of Hutongs [303]

  • The Functions of Hutong [300]

  • The Elements of Hutong [329]

  • The Layout of Hutongs [517]

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